Java Training Course is a instructor-led online training course covers Java application development.
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- Fully accredited and authorized training center in London!
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- Most competitive prices with NO HIDDEN COSTS!
- Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
- Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
- Nationally recognized and Ofqual accredited training course!
- Highly skilled and qualified trainers with a great wealth of practical knowledge & experience!
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- Free advice and guidance session on how to apply and obtain further qualification!
Review of Java fundamentals. This is intended as a recap for developers who are already familiar with object-oriented programming but may need a refresher. For customized courses, the time spent on this section can be increased or decreased
- Java Programming Introduction
- The Java collections framework and building a domain model
- Lambda expressions and the Stream API
- Asynchronous and concurrent programming and interacting with a database using JDBC
- Using Spring Boot to build a REST service that connects to a database
- Building a Spring ecommerce type application, using jQuery Ajax to call Spring controller methods
This fast-paced instructor-led online course covers Java application development.
During the course, we assemble an eCommerce type Web Application, using Dependency Injection to connect application layers. A Repository Layer maps entity classes to a MySQL database using Spring Data Persistence. A Service Layer contains business logic and a Web Service is implemented as a REST Controller Layer with Spring. HTML User Interfaces to the web service are built with Bootstrap and jQuery AJAX.
What You Will Learn?
Java Programming
- JDK 14 tools including javac, java, jar and javap
- Setting up the IntelliJ Development Environment
- Keywords; primitive types; conversion and casting; operators
- Local variables; conditions and loops; switch blocks; recursion
- Instance variables, encapsulation, access modifiers, constructors
- Mutable and immutable types; arrays
- Inheritance; method overriding and polymorphism; the Object class
- The Exception class hierarchy; catching and throwing exceptions
Java Collections Framework
- Generic classes and interfaces; the collections hierarchy
- Using implementations of the List, Set and Deque interfaces
- Overriding the equals and hashCode methods
- Using Big O notation and relative speeds of collection methods
- Wrapper classes; dates and times; enums; domain classes
Lambda expressions and the Stream API
- Functional interfaces, anonymous inner classes and lambda expressions
- Filtering and projecting data with the Stream interface and collecting results
- Primitive streams and the Optional class
- Repository classes and interfaces; test driven development with jUnit and Mockito
- Byte streams and character Streams; serializing objects to a file as JSON
Concurrency, JDBC and Modules
- Building multi-threaded code with Executors and the Callable and Future interfaces
- Using thread safe collections and the Atomic classes
- Building asynchronous computations with chained CompletionStages
- Load testing with the tempus-fugit library
- Using SQL to create tables, insert rows and perform table joins
- Connecting to a MySQL database with JDBC; the Autocloseable interface
- Java module declarations; exporting packages; dependencies
Spring Data and REST
- Building and running a simple Spring Boot application with IntelliJ and Maven
- Describing application layers with UML class and sequence diagrams
- Building a Service layer and injecting dependencies
- Building Repository classes with CrudRepository; associations between entities; using the query builder mechanism
- Configuring the application to connect to the MySQL database
- Mapping HTTP requests to Controller methods; responding to HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE
- Handling exceptions and returning appropriate HTTP responses; testing the Web Service with Postman
Spring Application with UI
- jQuery syntax, selectors and events
- Calling the web service with jQuery ajax
- Building a responsive user interface with Bootstrap
- Writing Spring controller, service and repository classes