Complete Web Testing Environment with Selenium WebDriver and JMeter Training Course gives a comprehensive overview how to use automated functional and performance testing with Selenium and JMeter using Java/Maven environment.
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- Prices are all inclusive of tuition, handbook, notebook, exams and certificate costs!
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Complete Web Testing Environment with Selenium WebDriver and JMeter Training Course Training Course is for those who want to use automated functional and performance testing with Selenium and JMeter using Java/Maven environment.
What Training Course Covers?
Selenium Introduction
What is Selenium Tool
Use of Selenium tool in automation
Features of Selenium Tool
Difference between Selenium and other tools
Selenium IDE
Selenium Web Driver
Selenium Grid
Selendriod introduction
Install Eclipse IDE (preferrable Mars version)
Install/Validate Java JDK 1.7 and Higher
Install Plug-ins (TestNG, Maven, etc.)
Install Selenium (latest stablized version)
Install all/required Browser Drivers
Install all supported libraries, drivers, jars, plug-ins, etc.
Configure class path/path for system and user level
Configure eclipse with all needed libraries, Java
Configure IE Devtool, FireBug, Firepath, etc. with browsers
Begin Sample Test
Languages supported in Selenium
Record and Run the script in Selenium IDE
Write and Run the script in Selenium Web Driver
View and Analyze Test Results
Using Selenium
What is Synchronization
How to put validations (asset, verify)
How to launch browser and application/URL
How to configure browser parameters using custom code
Working with Java with Selenium (class, package, OOPs, etc.)
Understanding DOM
How to identify objects/elements using selenium
Remote Web Driver
Configuring Hub
Configuring Node
Running scripts on remote computer / parallel execution
JMeter Introduction
JMeter features
Performance testing
Preparing a Test
Requirements and expectations
Tips for getting better results
Good practices
Embedded resources
Recording think times
Running from command line
What Training Course Covers?
Handling windows
- How to read text/values from Web Page
- How to enter values into elements/objects
- Working with DOM Objects (buttons, links, select, choose, tables, etc.)
- How to select/choose value(s) using list/comboxbox
- How to select/choose check box/radio button
- How to handle mouse, key board events
- Implementation of exception handling in selenium
- How to handle multiple browsers
- Handling Alerts
- Handling windows alerts using AutoIT
Data Driven Tests
- What is data driven testing
- Parameterizing the test scripts using excel
- Read, Write the data into/from excel
- Working with CSV, XLS, Flat files and DB
- What is TestNG
- Create TestNG.XML file / Test / TestSuite
- Integrate with Selenium scripts
- Run from TestNG
- Run from TestNG
- TestNG Annotations
- Tags in TestNG.XML file
- Working with Groups
- Introduction to Page Object Model Framework
- Introduction to Page Object Model Framework
- Using properties file
- Introduction
- Implementation in selenium
- Generating log files and analyze
- Introduction
- Creating MAVEN project
- Configuring with selenium and java
- Build/Run the build
Converting Project
- What is project conversion
- How to convert Java project into Maven and Vice-versa
Automation Framework
- Introduction to Automation Frameworks
- Types of frameworks and benefits
- Working with extended programming (Java)
- How to build automation frameworks
- Understanding test automation approach
- Using
- Creating
- Web application forms
- HTTP basic authentication
- Generating report dashboard
- Real-time results
Distributed Testing
- Running from command line
Extending functionality
- Plug-ins
- Custom code
Components overview
- Test Plan
- Thread Group
- Sampler
- Logic Controller
- Listener
- Timer
- Assertion
- Configuration Element
- The order of execution
- Preparing
- Using
- Creating